Pengertian SEO menurut Para Pakar, Ahli dan Master SEO Internasional

SEO adalah perpaduan teknik, taktik dan strategi SEO ON Page dan OFF Page tanpa batas dengan mengandalkan nalar, wawasan dan pengetahuan yang luas terkait SEO, imajinasi yang tiada batas serta taktik dan strategi SEO yang terorganisir dengan sangat baik.

Secara umum, pengertian SEO adalah optimasi blog, situs atau website guna mendapatkan ranking yang bagus di hasil penelusuran mesin pencari dengan tujuan mendapatkan trafik pengunjung situs yang banyak.

Praktisnya, semakin tinggi trafik yang didapatkan maka semakin bagus pula ranking yang ditetapkan oleh algoritma terhadap situs web yang dimilikinya.

Menurut Wikipedia, SEO adalah serangkaian proses yang dilakukan secara sistematis dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme kerja dari algoritma suatu mesin pencari yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume blog.

Definisi SEO menurut Pakar, Ahli dan Master SEO

Di kutip langsung dari laman Shoemoney oleh Jeremy Schoemaker, berikut ini beberapa pengertian SEO berdasarkan para ahli, pakar dan master SEO Internasional yang telah diakui dunia.

Pengertian SEO menurut Pakar, Ahli dan Master SEO

1. Danny Sullivan, The Godfather of SEO (Search Engine Land)

Danny yang dikenal sebagai "bapak SEO" atau "The Godfather SEO" mengklarifikasi bahwa pengertian SEO adalah seseorang yang mengerti bagaimana orang-orang mencari informasi.

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.

Danny juga mengklarifikasi bahwa klien (situs) dapat dipastikan berada di hasil penelusuran teratas Google.

2. WordStream - Penyedia Layanan SEO

Berdasarkan WordStream, salah situs web yang menyediakan jasa SEO terbaik di dunia, mengklarifikasi bahwa SEO adalah:

What is SEO? SEO refers to search engine optimization, or the process of optimizing a website in order to make it easy to find via search engines like Google.

3. Rand Fishkin, SEOMOZ

Rand Fishkin, pemilik situs web SEO terbaik, terkemuka dan disegani di dunia; mengemukakan bahwa pengertian SEO adalah:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

Praktisnya, SEO adalah kombinasi dari teknik, taktik, dan strategi yang mencakup tetapi tidak dibatasi oleh optimalisasi informasi seperti berikut:

  • Kualitas dan kuantitas dari trafik situs yang akan dikerjakan serta didapatkan
  • Hasil pencarian penelusuran mesin pencari seperti Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, dll
  • Content is still king, karena konten adalah RAJA
  • Penargetan audiens, pengembang situs dan desain website
  • Penelitian kata kunci (keyword) dan pengembangan Link Building

Dan segala macam elemen Online maupun Offline guna mendukung tujuan untuk menerima lebih banyak trafik dari Search Engine.

4. Neil Patel

SEO menurut Neil Patel sebagai berikut:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword. When it comes to SEO, there’s you, the search engine, and the searcher. If you have an article about how to make vegan lasagna, you want the search engine (which, in 90% of all cases, is Google) to show it as a top result to anyone who searches for the phrase “vegan lasagna.” SEO is the magic you have to work on your article in order to make Google very likely to include your post as one of the top results whenever someone searches for that keyword.

Neil Patel mengartikan bahwa SEO merupakan seni memahami Search Engine dan membuat situs web memiliki peringkat yang cukup tinggi di SERP.

5. Dax Herrera, Bigg Nuts

Dax yang dikenal dan terkenal mengelola situs web Bigg Nuts, memiliki definisi sebagaimana yang ia pahami.

Visi Google mengorganisir segala informasi dari seluruh dunia dan membuatnya terlihat mudah untuk di akses dan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang.

Dax juga mengklarifikasi misi SEO yakni mengorganisir informasi dari suatu situs web untuk membuatnya dapat di akses oleh robot dan menghasilkan uang.

Beberapa pengertian SEO menurut para ahli dan pakar SEO dunia lainnya; diantaranya adalah:

Andy Beal, Marketing Pil Grim

Making changes to the on-page and off-page relevance of a web page in an effort to increase the volume of quality traffic from the search engines.

Lee Odden, Top Rank Results

Whatever can be searched on can be optimized. Optimization for bots improves content discovery, indexing and trust (algorithmically). Optimization for the user experience improves clickthroughs, conversions and community. People that called themselves SEOs in the past are really just online marketers leveraging a mix of technology, creative and fundamental marketing expertise to make sales online. They’re more marketing consultants then SEOs even though the “SEO” moniker persists. Definitions of SEO will change as search channels and user behaviors change, so it’s a waste of time to try and create a standing definition – in my opinion anyway.

Michael Gay, Wolf Howl

Search Engine Optimization: The process, of building, designing, creating, or updating a website, or it’s contents, with the goals of increasing visibility within search engines, and improved placement on search engine results pages, for a desired set of keywords terms or market segment.

Patrick Gavin, Text Link Ads

The art and science of raising a web page’s natural search engine rankings. SEO is broken into two distinct buckets: on page factors and off page factors. On page factors including such items as: a website’s crawl-ability, internal linking set up, keyword selection and placement, meta tags, etc. Off page factors being building link popularity (inbound links) into your website. I believe link building to still be the single most important part of the SEO equation.

Aaron Wall, SEO Book

SEO is the art and science of publishing and marketing content in a way that brings significant profitable and targeted traffic to your website. As the web has grown and Google has become more sophisticated, the field of SEO has been aggressively merging with traditional marketing, with emphasis on branding, framing, story telling, user engagement, viral marketing, and public relations. Abraham Lincoln once said “With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.” That is where profitable sustainable SEO is headed.

Rebecca Kelley, SEO Moz

In my opinion, SEO is simply a facet of traditional marketing that focuses on the Internet medium. It involves implementing strategies and changes that make your website both search engine and user friendly — search engine friendly so that your site ranks well in search engine results for appropriate keyword searches, and user friendly so that you can provide a solid customer experience and yield high conversions.

Darren Rowse, Pro Blogger

How do I define SEO? Good question – there are a number of thoughts that come to mind:

  1. the right answer – SEO is something that helps a website to increase it’s ranking in a search engine.
  2. my ‘historical’ answer (ie what I would have answered a few years ago) – SEO is about manipulating Search Engines in order to get them to send you as much traffic as possible.
  3. the ‘in practice’ answer (ie how it impacts me these days) – SEO for me these days is a combination of: (1) About knowing some of the general principles that help a site or page to rank well in search engines. (2) Building the best quality site that I can with content that meets the needs of readers (and as a result attracts links from other sites).

I guess I’ve come to learn that when you build a high quality website that SEO tends to largely look after itself.

Ted Murphy, Izea

SEO is the art of optimizing an online presence in order to maximize relevant search engine traffic.

Quadszilla, Hacktivist Black Hat SEO Dunia

Quaszilla, salah seorang aktivitis SEO "membenarkan" definisi SEO yang menurutnya itu benar, dengan pemahaman:

“Web spam SEO is when somebody tries to cheat or take shortcuts so that their Web site shows up higher [in search results rankings] than it deserves to show up,” – Matt Cutts QuadsZilla

SEO adalah seseorang yang mencoba melakukan kecurangan dan mengambil jalan pintas, dimana ia mampu membuat situs web muncul di halaman teratas (Page One) dalam hasil Ranking, -- dari yang sepantasnya mereka terima.

Matt Cutts, Head of Webmaster Google mengatakan bahwa definisi SEO yang dikatakan oleh Quadszilla menyimpang, tidak benar dan/atau sebuah kekeliruan.

Berikut pengertian SEO menurut Google sendiri:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results. You're likely already familiar with many of the topics in this guide, because they're essential ingredients for any web page, but you may not be making the most out of them.

Artinya kurang lebih begini, "SEO adalah modifikasi kecil-kecilan yang dikombinasikan dengan optimasi lain; sehingga situs akan bekerja lebih baik di pencarian organik."

Sebenarnya ada masih banyak lagi definisi-definisi SEO yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli dan pakar SEO dunia; hanya saja karena keterbatasan waktu, jadi yang saya tuliskan hanya beberapa poin pentingnya saja.
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